and it is good

Today is the first weekday that I have woken without alarm, alert, feeling good, and anxious to start a new day.  It has been a very long time since I have woken in this manner.  I can attribute this feeling to many of the following things and I am grateful for each and every one of them.

  1. Practicing New Year’s habits to not drink alcohol on evenings that require going to work the next day.  This habit change was primarily for saving money, improving health and belly fat loss.  A side benefit is easier waking behavior without a sense of dread.
  2. A sense of hope at our workplace arrived yesterday .  We have a new “C” level person and I have a high degree of confidence that changes are going to occur and circumstances are going to improve in 2016.
  3. There are activities on my calendar to anticipate:  a family get-together, book club, birthday parties and a trip abroad that was made more real by researching flight options.
  4. Friends.  Friends to knit with, friends at work to laugh and cry with, friends who were family first, friends in spirit who know your soul (and love you anyway), and furry friends who purr, nuzzle, and love you unconditionally.

I am feeling grateful and hopeful this morning, and it is good.